[Taekwon Jamboree] Information about the camping

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Taekwon Jamboree Information about the camping


Thank you for your support and concerns about Taekown Jamboree.

We apologize for the lack of explanations about camping due to the flood of inquiring calls.


Taekwon Jamboree is only offered to athletes and their managers, coaches and family members who are participating Hwaseong Taekwondo Hanmadang of World multi-cultural 2015.


There are some people who want to participate only in camping without entering competition but that is not possible because participants should be considered first to think of. Thefore, choosing 'only camping' is not available.


Taekwon Jamboree needed for camping:

Bedding(sleeping bag, pillow, floor mats) provided by organizing comitte.

participants are required only for personal toiletries.




-Taekwon Jamboree Guide-


ØDate: July 31st(Fri) ~ August 3rd(Mon), 4days and 3nights

ØLocation: Hwasung Sports Complex

-Camping: main stadium

-Secondary Program: Outside field

ØParticipants: Around 1,500 people including multi-cultural family and Taekwondo hanmadang participating players and their family

ØTheme: 'Beyond the Boundary'

ØComposition: Taekwondo and Korean culture experience class, Concert

ØEntry fee: free

ØFree Gift: T-shirts, offer tents(for 4 people, for family entrees, family tent will be seperately offered)

ØMeal is not offered and there will be prize lottery  


üFree tourist bus

- Hwasung city tour: Yachting Center(Jeongok Port), Yungneung and Geolleung(Royal Tombs of Crown Prince Sado and King Jeongjo), Woori Flower botanical garden(spa complex)



 **Jamboree Concert - Idol Concert(August 1st, 2nd, for 2days from 8:00pm ~ 9:00pm)

  1. Idol Concert          


  Sunny Days - August 1st, 8:00 PM

'Idol with strong individuality that makes ordinary to unordinary. ' 


Singing ability is the most important thing to singers. With pretty appearance, it will be the frosting on the cake. If that singer is an idol, it will be surprising.

That is Sunny Days






M Fect - August 2nd, 8:00PM

Multitasking-idol who can do writing and composing songs and even choreography by themselves.

M Fect is the six-member indie idol group with different color. Each member is from different field: model, musical performer and actor.

In April, M Fact debuted with their digital single 'impact' and recoreded 1,200 Youtube hits. You can realize their popularity with the fact that their fans in the Philippines started a fan club(INT) and already has a membership of more than 1,200.






 2. B-boy, Hip-hop, Break dance -

    August 1st, 2nd for 2days from 8:30 PM~

Hwaseong multi-cultural Taekwondo Jamboree welcome party for camp participants. DJ and hip-hop rappers' performance will heat up the stage.





3. World music - Korean traditional music performance 'Dulsori' 

    - August 1st 8:00PM

'Dulsori' is the top Korean traditional music performance team that had 30th anniversary solo concert this year. 'Dulsori' is a professional performance team that is aiming for the world music. They had concert tour for 50 different countries and were invited to Edinburgh music festival as a official guest.




4. Participating Countries' Dance Performance

(August 2nd, Sunday, 20:00 ~ 20:40)


Contest that participants make a team and do Korean idol cover dance. The prize is ready for the winning team.




5. Swimming pool

Participants are available to use swimming pool that is opened inside Hwasung Sports Complex. Participants using swmming pool must wear swimsuit and swimming cap. Towels and toiletries are required individually.




6. Experience Class

Taekwondo Experience Class: Taekwon mentoring, Taekwon recreation, Taekwon fashionistar, etc.


Korean Traditional Cultural Experience: wearing Hanbok, learning traditional musical instruments, drawing calligraphy, krafting Korean paper art and Korean traditional stamp, experiencing tea ceremony etc.,


Recreation: K-POP cover dance, Sesi traditional folk games(top-spinning game, yut game, tanagram, malddukbakgi, hopscotch, marbles, building stone tower, etc.)



 (The Schedule may be subject to change)



Hwaseong Taekwondo Hanmadang of World Multi-Cultural

2015 Organizing Comittee Chairman




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